In this post, let us discuss about displaying Character count and an alert when character count matches with maximum no of allowed characters.
First, add af:inputtext component to page surrounded with af:panelbox component.
Inside af:inputtext component, add af:clientListener & af:clientAttribute to trigger java script with required attributes. Add af:outputText component inside toolbar facet of af:panelbox to display Character count.
<af:panelBox text="Character Count" id="pb1" clientComponent="true" showDisclosure="false"
<f:facet name="toolbar">
<af:outputText id="CharCount" clientComponent="true" value=""
<af:inputText label="Enter Name" id="it1" maximumLength="8" clientComponent="true" required="true"
rows="1" columns="10">
<af:clientListener method="charCount" type="keyUp"/>
<af:clientAttribute name="Warning" value="You have reached maximum no of characters!!!"/>
Next add java script as shown below to count no of characters and display an alert when it reached to maximum no of characters.
<af:resource type="javascript">
function charCount(evt) {
var sourceId = evt.getSource().getClientId();
var source = evt.getSource();
var textfield = evt.getCurrentTarget();
var textfield_current_content = textfield.getSubmittedValue();
var textfield_current_content_length = textfield_current_content.length;
var maxLength = textfield.getMaximumLength();
var lengthdiff = maxLength - textfield_current_content_length - 1;
if (lengthdiff >= 0) {
if(sourceId.indexOf("it1") != -1) {
var counter = source.findComponent("CharCount");
counter_value = counter.getValue();
counter.setValue(textfield_current_content_length + " characters (out of " + maxLength + ")");
showAlert = true;
else {
if(sourceId.indexOf("it1") != -1) {
var counter = source.findComponent("CharCount");
counter.setValue(textfield_current_content_length + " characters (out of " + maxLength + ")");
var warning = evt.getSource().getProperty('Warning');
if (showAlert == true) {
showAlert = false;
Now run the page and test the logic. An alert will be displayed when Character count in Input text field reaches to Maximum length.
First, add af:inputtext component to page surrounded with af:panelbox component.
Inside af:inputtext component, add af:clientListener & af:clientAttribute to trigger java script with required attributes. Add af:outputText component inside toolbar facet of af:panelbox to display Character count.
<af:panelBox text="Character Count" id="pb1" clientComponent="true" showDisclosure="false"
<f:facet name="toolbar">
<af:outputText id="CharCount" clientComponent="true" value=""
<af:inputText label="Enter Name" id="it1" maximumLength="8" clientComponent="true" required="true"
rows="1" columns="10">
<af:clientListener method="charCount" type="keyUp"/>
<af:clientAttribute name="Warning" value="You have reached maximum no of characters!!!"/>
Next add java script as shown below to count no of characters and display an alert when it reached to maximum no of characters.
<af:resource type="javascript">
function charCount(evt) {
var sourceId = evt.getSource().getClientId();
var source = evt.getSource();
var textfield = evt.getCurrentTarget();
var textfield_current_content = textfield.getSubmittedValue();
var textfield_current_content_length = textfield_current_content.length;
var maxLength = textfield.getMaximumLength();
var lengthdiff = maxLength - textfield_current_content_length - 1;
if (lengthdiff >= 0) {
if(sourceId.indexOf("it1") != -1) {
var counter = source.findComponent("CharCount");
counter_value = counter.getValue();
counter.setValue(textfield_current_content_length + " characters (out of " + maxLength + ")");
showAlert = true;
else {
if(sourceId.indexOf("it1") != -1) {
var counter = source.findComponent("CharCount");
counter.setValue(textfield_current_content_length + " characters (out of " + maxLength + ")");
var warning = evt.getSource().getProperty('Warning');
if (showAlert == true) {
showAlert = false;
Now run the page and test the logic. An alert will be displayed when Character count in Input text field reaches to Maximum length.
- Given java script contains some additional logic(if condition), which is not required when you have only one af:inputtext field. You can reuse same java script by adding additional if condtions based on af:inputtext ID, when you need same logic for few more af:inputtext fields.
- af:clientAttribute -- If you want to display alert message from property bundle(i18n), just replace hard coded value with reference to key value in property bundle.
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