Tuesday, June 19, 2018

DB:: Add SSL Certificate to Wallet

Recently, I tried to access LDAP server over LDAPS protocol from Oracle database. As a part of that, I am supposed to import SSL certificate into database to make SSL handshake worked properly with LDAP server.

Here is the steps, I followed to import SSL certificate into database wallet.

Step#1. Make sure ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION specified in sqlnet.ora located in $ORACLE_HOME/networl/admin location.

   (METHOD = FILE)  
   (METHOD_DATA = (DIRECTORY=/u01/oracle/admin/ORA12C/wallet)  

Step#2. Go to ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION directory and execute following command to create wallet. If wallet already present, skip this step.

orapki wallet create -wallet /u01/oracle/admin/ORA12C/wallet -auto_login

Note: -auto_login helps you to open wallet automatically, during DB startup. You can also use local auto login option to restrict the wallet access to the host, where it's hosted.

Step#3. Examine the wallet contents with following command.

orapki wallet display -wallet /u01/oracle/admin/ORA12C/wallet

Sample Output:
 Oracle PKI Tool : Version  
 Copyright (c) 2004, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.  
 Requested Certificates:  
 Subject:    CN=oracle  
 User Certificates:  
 Oracle Secret Store entries:  
 Trusted Certificates:  

Step#4. Copy SSL certificate to ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION directory.

SSL certificate content will be in following format.


Step#5. Run following command to import the certificate  into wallet as a Trusted certificate.

orapki wallet add -wallet /u01/oracle/admin/ORA12C/wallet -trusted_cert -cert <ssl_cert_file_name> -pwd <wallet_pwd>

execute Step#3 to view the contents of wallet after import.

Sample Output:
 Oracle PKI Tool : Version  
 Copyright (c) 2004, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.  
 Requested Certificates:  
 Subject:    CN=oracle  
 User Certificates:  
 Oracle Secret Store entries:  
 Trusted Certificates:  
 Subject:    CN=oracleldap  

Step#6. Test SSL with external system. In this case, I was trying to connect to LDAP over SSL. So I used OS level ldap commands to test the connection via SSL port.

ldapbind -p 1636 -h ldap.lkakarla.com -U 2 -P <wallet_pwd> -W file:/u01/oracle/admin/ORA12C/wallet

bind successful

Step#7. Remove trusted certificate:

To remove single entry, provide DN of the certificate:
orapki wallet remove -wallet /u01/oracle/admin/ORA12C/wallet -trusted_cert -dn "CN=oracleldap" 

To remove all entries from trust store:
orapki wallet remove -trusted_cert_all -wallet /u01/oracle/admin/ORA12C/wallet

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